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Businesswoman looking at team of businesspeople in miniature

Did You Know?

73% of employees are considering leaving their jobs with 1/3 of them searching actively or casually for a job.

69% of employees say they would work harder if they were better appreciated.

Companies with high employee engagement are 21% more profitable.

Optimize your Team's Performance

The biggest advantage of having a team is to leverage each individual's skills to expand your company's capabilities. 

How do you know if everyone on your 'Team Bus' is in the 'Right Seat' for optimal performance?

What would be possible if you could understand each individual on your team quickly and ensure they are in a role where you get the most out of them (with the least amount of friction)?

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Team WHY.os Workshops

Leverage the Natural Strengths of Your Team

It can take years to truly understand your team well enough to get the most out of them.

The Team WHY.os Workshop is built to guide you and your team through a transformative self-discovery experience. You'll dive deep into the 9 different WHYs and learn about the brain biology behind your WHY. Together, we'll define your unique WHY, HOW, and WHAT, and discover how to articulate these aspects of yourself to the world and your team. 

Our proprietary Process

Team WHY.os Workshops
are Right for You if...

You Are:

  • A People-First Leader
  • You're a Leader who refuses to accept limitations.
  • You believe leadership is about lifting others up, creating impact, and fostering a culture of purpose-driven growth.

You Want:

  • To get the most out of the Team you currently have.
  • A Fast Forward Button to understand each member of your Team better.
  • A Team that is Engaged, Empowered, and Energized with less friction and better collaboration.

Unlock the Power of Your WHY

What is your WHY?
It's the driving force behind everything you do in your personal and professional life. 

Knowing Your WHY has long been recognized as the key to unlocking clarity on your path to purpose and success. Many people believe they know their WHY. Often, many would consider their WHY (the reason that they do what they do) to be external motivations, such as 'their kids/family' or 'to retire early.'

Those are temporary motivators attached to the ebb and flow of your life's timeline and were not always tangible realities. You likely felt moments of success, enjoyment or unlimited energy before those types of motivators were present for you.

What was your WHY before? After you reach your current goals or your kids are off on their own, what is your motivation then? 

Think of Your WHY as the force that pushes you forward when you are 'in the zone' – operating with boundless energy and optimal performance. It's those interactions with people or when you're working on a project or hobby and you are simply just having fun – dare to say, even thriving!

Knowing Your WHY is just the first step...

Enter: The WHY Operating System

The WHY Operating System (WHY.os) is a groundbreaking framework designed to help individuals and teams understand their natural strengths and core motivations.

The Components of WHY.os

Your WHY.os consists of three key elements:

1. WHY: This represents your core motivation—the reason you do what you do. It’s your driving force.
2. HOW: This describes the unique approach you take to fulfill your WHY. It encompasses your strengths and talents.
3. WHAT: This is the tangible outcome of your actions—the results you produce in the world around you.


Your WHY

WHY do you do what you do?

Your WHY acts as the "driver" of your internal Operating System. It is like a car full of the fuel that continually pushes you forward.


Your HOW

HOW do you bring your WHY to life?

A fueled up car doesn't do much without the tool to make it go... the key! Your HOW is the process you use to ignite your WHY.



WHAT do you bring to the world?

You have the car, you have the keys in the ignition... the destination becomes the result of your actions. 

WHY Does It Matter?

The WHY.os is essential for personal growth, effective leadership, and impactful teamwork.

It enables you to:

  • Clarify Your Purpose: Discover what truly motivates you and aligns with what you're naturally good at.
  • Enhance Communication Dynamics: Learn to use The Platinum Rule to make others feel seen, heard, and understood.
  • Boost Performance: Align your actions with your natural mode of operation that leads to being Engaged, Empowered and Energized.

Experience the Transformation

By exploring your WHY.os and that of your Team, you’ll gain valuable insights.

It is the Fast Forward Button to:

  • Stronger Relationships: Foster connections based on understanding, empathy, mutual respect and a celebration of differences.
  • Increased Engagement: Cultivate a sense of belonging in your company that leads to a more fulfilling work environment for each team member.
  • Greater Resilience: Navigate challenges with clarity and confidence rooted in a higher level of adaptability.

Take the First Step —

Are you ready to unlock the true potential of your team and leverage their natural strengths for optimal performance?

Join other WHY NOT Leaders who have transformed their lives and careers by understanding their intrinsic motivations.

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Get Started Today!

Team WHY.os Workshop Testimonials

Listen to what these WHY NOT Champions said after they brought the WHY.os to their teams: